Finishing up the year, beginning the summer

Overall this year went pretty well, we became overloaded with work in the past few months but that is all over now. Going into the summer I hope to make applications that are fully featured. I am personally proud of the accomplishments that Beth and I have achieved, and like I say, It’s only going to get better. Looking to the future we will be finishing up the functionality of the spreadsheet and code editor. Live editing will continue to be the top priority and we will be working on making sure the system is solid, secure, and cheap, we would not want processors to be overflowed with benign update calls to the server when the window is not in focus. Also I would like to mention a few other colleague’s programs. BlueMesh: a bluetooth mesh networking library, written by up and coming masters of parallel magic who helped out with some algorithm development for Briefcase. Colin Kubler’s Koala / LDT which provides the base for the syntax hi-lighting in the code editor.

– Asher

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